Monday, July 06, 2009

Pop Ups

Just a quick note. Really.

While poking around IMDB after watching the movie "Two Lovers" tonight, I had a pop up ad somehow get past my pop up blocker.

May I suggest this as an effective means to be not taken very seriously. Here's the ad:

That's right - get your degree from us. Don't let the giraffes fool you, this degree is legit.

Certificates and Other I can see. "Congratulations Bobby, through our online program you've matriculated to full day kindergarten.... here's your certificate."

But Doctoral? And what's up - the associate's giraffe looks exactly the same as the doctoral giraffe!!?? Wait a minute - My doctoral dissertation yield the same laminated giraffe seal as the fundamentals of movie appreciation associates degree? What a rip!

Incidentally - back to the "Two Lovers" movie (which I liked, but was a slow pace and a not-to-encouraging relationship head-shaker) may very well be Joaquin Phoenix's last film as an actor. If you haven't seen him lately, you can take in the summary version of his painful David Letterman visit from back in February. On YouTube search "Letterman Joaquin Pheonix" and try - TRY to absorb it. Oh yeah - it's real. Not a publicity stunt.

So that's it.

And if I work hard, I'm sure you can call me Doctor Biddle by the end of the summer. You can come by and see my proudly displayed Degree up on the wall - complete with giraffe stickers.

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