Monday, May 10, 2010

The Praise of Spring

What a wonder - spring!

Which with subtle scents
Gently beckons to me
On soft, cooling breezes
To pause in marvel and praise.

Somewhere, unseen honeysuckles
Send good news of life and beauty
Borne on the wind;
"The cold and death are done!"
They cannot help but cast,
To all who may receive,
The news and aroma of life anew.
Once a forecast
And now a foretaste
Of what is yet to come.

What a worshipper - spring!

Which, with it sensuous sights
Bids me kneel in grateful adulation.
Behold the azalea; altogether common
Yet it somehow gathers
earth and air and light
(All more common than itself)
And transforms them to flowers!
Fragile and
Fragrant and
Flagrant in hue.

And the peonies in their peak,
Too heavy with dew-soaked praise,
Bow their beauty toward the ground.
Glistening beads of gratitude
Laid before Him who
formed the earth
and moves the air
and speaks the light.

Is the world so rich adorned
With sights and scents of Spring
a foreshadow, A fleeting glance
which points us toward a King?

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