Monday, March 10, 2008

It's Elementary

I saw a "readability rating" graphic on a friend's blog. Apparently this website checks your blog's readability level and determines how smart you have to be to comprehend it. So I did it for mine.

What I was hoping for was this:

blog readability test

That would be nice, wouldn't it? To have a blog that you have to be a genius to appreciate? Ego stroking - yeah.

Of course, what I actually got was this:

blog readability test

Hmm. Should I be disappointed? Insulted?

Should I up the difficulty of my verbiage? Reduce amicability toward the puerile? Aim for more esoteric and enigmatic synthesis and structuring within my circumlocutory sentiments, expressed herein?

Nah. Let the 3rd graders come and weigh in, if their moms let them.

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